Russia lost 4,000 troops, 25 missiles and 138 drones over past week

Over the past week, from July 17 to July 23, Ukrainian forces eliminated  4,280 Russian soldiers. The air defense managed to destroy 25 missiles and 138 drones, says General Lieutenant Oleksandr Pavliuk.

According to the Global Firepower database, Russia's losses in the war in Ukraine are the largest since the Second World War. The total amount of casualties can be compared to 16 NATO members' armies.

Over the past day, Ukrainian soldiers eliminated another 630 Russian troops. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Russia has lost about 241960 soldiers.

Russian anti-Putin media claim that by the end of May 2023, about 47,000 Russian men under the age of 50 had died in the war against Ukraine. Only open data was used to calculate these losses, without noting data on mobilized troops from the occupied territories.

In 2022 and 2023, the number of inheritance cases against men, especially young men, increased dramatically. If you know how often inheritance cases are opened for the deceased of a certain age group, this increase can be used to restore the excess male mortality rate, which is the real number of people killed in the war, the journalists explained.

In 2022, at least 25 thousand men under the age of 50 (the age limit for the method of the research) died in the war, and by May 27, 2023, about 47 thousand had already died.

The journalists also noted that not all men who died in the war in Ukraine are included in the register of inheritance cases. Not everyone has property that can be left to their relatives, which makes it easy to assume that the casualties rate is way higher.

Together with the wounded and dismissed from service due to injury, the total number of irrecoverable losses is at least 125,000.

This calculation partially includes missing persons but not war prisoners and recruits from the so-called "Donetsk/Luhansk People's Republic."

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