Community in Ukraine’s northern Chernihiv region ensures children’s safety with new bomb shelter in local kindergarten

The Novyi Bilous community in Ukraine's northern Chernihiv region is building the first completely new shelter for a kindergarten.

This was announced by the head of the Chernihiv district administration, Andrii Popyk.

What is the problem?

The northern Chernihiv region, which borders aggressor states Russian and Belarus, have been consistently shelled and bombed by Russian forces since the part of the region was liberated from a one-month Russian occupation in April 2022. The Russian troops have targeted civilian residential areas, energy, and critical infrastructure.

What is the solution?

"The war tests our strength every day. But real Ukrainians cannot be broken! An example of this is the Novyi Bilous community. It started building the first completely new shelter for one of the best kindergartens in the Chernihiv district!" the statement reads.

How does it work?

Shelters are being built in the village of Staryi Bilous, which heroically resisted Russian aggression during active hostilities.

"There is still visible damage from rocket strikes near the kindergarten and the lyceum, which was rebuilt thanks to the coordinated work of the community leadership and our partners," said Popyk.

The Lyceum of the village of Staryi Bilous accepts children from both Chernihiv and the Podusivka district, which suffered a lot during the active phase of military operations. Instead of 140 children, more than 400 schoolchildren will go to school there from September 1.

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