Photo: Facebook/ Ivaylo Mirchev
Ivailo Mirchev, a deputy from the coalition "Continuing Changes" – "Democratic Bulgaria," said the machines have never been used for their intended purpose. Some of them are in poor condition and need to be repaired. If the delivery is successful, Bulgaria may receive American M1117 armored personnel carriers instead of the old ones.
Mirchev explained that these armored carriers are necessary for Ukraine, which is fighting not only for its freedom but also for the freedom of Bulgaria.
Georgi Svilensky from the Bulgarian Socialist Party reviewed the equipment to be sent and how it will affect the country's defense capability.
You once made a decision to provide Ukraine with military, technical, medical, etc. assistance, and now what – where is your list? With this decision, we can send equipment from the Military History Museum to Ukraine, Svilensky made an ironic statement.
During the visit of Ukraine's President, Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov agreed to provide Ukraine with about 100 armored personnel carriers from the internal ministry stocks.
The vehicles had never been used in Bulgaria, as the country's military had not even undergone relevant training, he said. The armored personnel carriers are "just staying in warehouses" and are a "burden" for Bulgaria.
On July 13, Bulgarian MP Ivailo Mirchevich said that the ruling coalition was going to submit to the parliament a decision on new military aid for Ukraine, which would include 100 armored personnel carriers from the Bulgarian Interior Ministry's stocks.
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