Solutions to win: Ukrainian NGO Hurkit holds charity run in Kyiv to support country’s defense

"I run for the ones in combat boots" is a charity run to be held on July 29 in Kyiv's Ubran Park. You can run comfortably and support Ukrainian defenders online and offline.

Vladyslav Samoilenko, the founder of the Hurkit Charity Fund and part-time founder of the Urban Crew initiative and urbanist, talked about the idea of the race and the initiative to Rubryka.

What is the problem?

Pickups are the superpower of Ukrainian defenders that supports logistics and saves soldiers' lives. However, forces must be restored, and the average service life of cars at the front is only a few weeks.

What is the solution?

Hurkit organizes a charity run at Expocenter of Ukraine

To raise funds for two pickup trucks for the 24th King Danylo separate mechanized brigade, the Hurkit decided to hold a "Running for the ones in combat boots" charity run in the capital. Both Kyivans and residents of other cities of Ukraine can take part.

How does it work?

Hurkit has been helping the military and civilians since the first days of the full-scale invasion. Hurkit is constantly looking for new exciting formats for its donors to raise needed amounts. For example, Hurkit regularly holds auctions of Russian trophies. The foundation collaborates with the Museum of Ukraine's Second World War History. After the auctions, the prizes are transferred to the museum with an indication of the benefactor who bought this lot.

During the year of its existence, Hurkit purchased and repaired 78 cars for Ukrainian defenders

"Recently, one of the Hurkit members — an experienced runner — offered the idea of running a charity run," says Vlad Samoilenko. "We consistently have many requests for cars from the military, so we combined the idea of a race with requests for pickup trucks. Specifically, with this race, we are raising funds for two pickup trucks for the 24th King Danylo separate mechanized brigade."

According to the race organizers, the event's idea is to run with an important thought in mind.

"We specifically didn't limit ourselves to a single goal. We want each participant to put their own into this race. Some run because they want to participate in good cause, some will run in memory of fallen heroes, and some like running and watnto sociliaze. Our race is about running for those who protect us, with the thought of what is important for each of us," Vlad Samoilenko notes.

Even pets can run a charity race

Where and when?

  • Offline — July 29, 2023 (Saturday) at Expocenter of Ukraine. Arrive at Ave. Akademika Hlushkova, 1, Urban Park. It is recommended to come 1 hour before the start of your race (event program at the link) to have time to change clothes, leave things in the storage room, find the starting corridor and warm up.
  • Online participants can run the distance anywhere and at any convenient time.

What is the distance?

For the charity run, Hurkit offers these distances:

  • 5 km — as basic and usual for classic runners;
  • 1 km — for beginners, for those who have never run, or for those who have always dreamed of running in some exciting way (in pajamas, backward, or with a cat in their arms);
  • 420 m is one-hundredth of a marathon, as a start for children and those who are just getting into running.

Absolutely everyone will be able to run/walk/skip!

The cost of participation is UAH 500 for all distances. If you want to help Ukrainian defenders with a larger amount, indicate this during registration. Your registration contributes to the supply of "wheels" to Ukrainian soldiers and victory.

"We are happy and grateful for every donation. We also create special and very warm content for our patrons," Hrukit says. 

"Medal" from a sleeve for participation in the charity run

Hurkit has prepared "medals" for race participants. They are made from 20-caliber bullet casings that have already hit the Russian occupiers. The race organizers will present them to everyone who crosses the finish line. This award means you ran with the roar to help those who protect us.

Among the confirmed partners of the event, which financially help the event to take place, are companies and businesses that have demonstrated their social approach for years and have repeatedly supported the Armed Forces, medics, and civilians: Aurora retail chain, Unigran, Acvelon (IT), MrGrill, Pizzeria Kometa, Kichen&Garden, Vuso insurance company, school European Collegium, Yuskutum law firm, Igromag board game shop. Hurkit invites everyone to join and bring victory closer together.

In August, the fund plans a charity swim to raise for grenades. This time they will collect funds for firearms for the Honor company of the legendary Da Vinci Wolves battalion.

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