Ukraine’s armed forces begin using cluster munitions from US – The Washington Post

American media claim that Ukraine's armed forces are already using cluster munitions provided by the United States. At the same time, official data on their use have not yet been received from the Ukrainian authorities.

The Washington Post reported this.

The publication, with reference to an unnamed Ukrainian official, informed that Ukrainian defenders began using cluster shells in the southeast of Ukraine.

According to him, the fighters were trying to break the well-fortified Russian positions, which slowed down the summer offensive of Ukrainian troops.

"In addition to advanced positions in southeastern Ukraine, cluster munitions are also expected to be used near the Russian-controlled city of Bakhmut, the site of the longest and bloodiest battle of the war," the report said.

In an interview published on July 18, the commander of the Ground Forces of Ukraine's armed forces, Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrsky, said that the cluster munitions would be ready for use "within a few days." BBC journalists saw M777 howitzers intended for this purpose in positions around Bakhmut.

For reference:

Recently, the USA reported on transferring cluster munitions and other weapons to Ukraine. American President Joe Biden said that such shells would help the Ukrainian military to continue its counteroffensive.

Washington's announcement drew criticism from non-governmental organizations and embarrassed several European countries and Canada because cluster munitions are considered more dangerous to civilians, and there is a convention to which member states refuse to use and store them.

At the same time, Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov dispelled fears about transferring cluster munitions and named five main principles in their use. In particular, Ukraine will use shells only to liberate the territories of Ukraine; that is, it will not hit Russia.

Moreover, Russia has been using cluster bombs for a long time, causing death and destruction among the Ukrainian people.

It should be noted that cluster munition emits bombs that can cover five times more territory than conventional munitions. They consist of dozens of smaller bombs and fly apart when detonated. In view of this, they can pose a danger to civilians for many years after the end of hostilities.


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