Photo: Screenshot from the video
Rubryka reports, referring to the Facebook of the State Border Service.
According to the border guards, six canine specialists of the State Police Service intensively adopted the experience of their European colleagues.
The primary purpose of the course was to teach the fight against illegal arms trafficking. By this time, the classes had ended, and the border guards had received the relevant certificates.
"Very soon, the servicemen will return to Ukraine not only with the baggage of knowledge but also with the four-legged assistants with whom they were trained," the service reported.
It should be noted that during the war, service dogs help demine, evacuate, inspect the streets, and provide psychological assistance. Ukraine's only emotional support dog works in the National Police of Kyiv Region.
With the assistance of the Howard Buffett Foundation, the police of the Kyiv Region received 11 service dogs that underwent training in the Netherlands.
With the help of four-legged assistants, law enforcement officers can detect illegal movement, store explosives, weapons, and ammunition, and assist in demining.
Rubryka also reported the story of the rescue of service dogs evacuated from the Luhansk region by the Guards canine experts from the temporarily occupied Rubizhne.
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