Ukrainian airline SkyUp updates flight attendant uniforms to support local clothing manufacturers amid war

The Ukrainian airline SkyUp will update the uniform of male flight attendants in 2023. reports, citing the company, that T-shirts, polo shirts, and sneakers will be added to the uniform.

What is the problem?

SkyUp says that while deciding to update the uniform may seem like a low-priority task in wartime, the airline wants to support its crews and Ukrainian clothing manufacturers.

What is the solution?

SkyUp will replace pants and a jacket in the men's uniform. They will get a casual style, the main features of which are convenience and practicality.

The key color of the uniform is dark blue with small orange and blue stripes on the polo shirts.

How does it work?

The new uniform for SkyUp flight attendants is sewn by a Ukrainian company located in Chernihiv that was heavily destroyed by Russian forces in the first month of the invasion started by Russia in February 2022. The war-torn city is still under Russian shelling. 

The Ukrainian airline plans to issue its flight attendants updated uniforms by the end of the summer.

Rubryka reported that in 2021 SkyUp revolutionized the uniform of female flight attendants. For them, the designers developed orange pantsuits with a sporty cut. Instead of shoes, SkyUp made white Nike Air 720 sneakers an element of the women's uniform.

SkyUp Airlines is a private Ukrainian airline operating charter and regular low-cost flights. It started flying on May 21, 2018.

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