What is the problem?
Currently, Ukraine doesn't have an adopted standard for bulletproof vests for women in the army.
According to the Minister of Defense, the quality of personal protective gear is paramount because "the better the equipment samples, the greater the chances of preserving the health and lives of our defenders."
What is the solution?
The Ministry of Defense cooperates with manufacturers that offer individual protective gear for Ukrainian servicewomen.
How does it work?
"One manufacturer has already provided the first samples of women's body armor, and they are currently being studied for compliance with the technical specification," the minister said. "They will undergo a preliminary evaluation and test wear, during which the manufacturer will be able to eliminate, if any, the identified defects."
After conducting the tests, the military unit responsible for testing individual protective equipment will provide a final report to the Central Directorate for the Development of Material Support of the Armed Forces. Later, the manufacturers will be informed about the test results.
After receiving feedback from the Ministry of Defense, manufacturers will conduct laboratory tests to confirm the quality of the samples. They will provide the Ministry of Defense with the necessary package of documents, including the originals of laboratory test protocols and other accompanying documentation required by the Technical Specifications of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Following this, the model samples will be approved by the relevant structural divisions of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and designated as standard samples.
Reference samples are produced according to the defense ministry's technical specifications, using materials tested in accredited testing laboratories known for their technical competency and impartiality. If the experimental batch yields positive test results and meets the requirements, the Ministry of Defense has the authority to approve one item from the batch as a reference sample.
Once the Ministry of Defense approves the technical specification and standard samples, the body armor will be deemed acceptable for provision in the Armed Forces. "And then our military women will have the opportunity to receive personal protective gear with their anthropometric data," said Oleksii Reznikov.
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