Ukrainian entrepreneur restores war-shattered eco-packaging plant with state grant

Entrepreneur Olena Martyniuk from war-battered Borodianka in the Kyiv region restored her eco-packaging plant destroyed by the Russians.

The whole restoration work was supported by a state-backed business grant eRobota.

What is the problem?

Olena Martyniuk is the owner of "Eco Basket," a factory that produces eco-packaging made of natural resources. Last spring, the plant was completely burned down after a Russian shell hit the second floor of a building in the city center.

What is the solution?

The state-supported eRobota business grant helped her all the way through the restoration, Ukraine's Ministry of Economy says. 

How does it work?

The entrepreneur learned about the grant program from a speech by Ukraine's PM that she watched in a refugee center in Poland.

I felt blue, but this news gave me an impetus. For me, this grant is not about money, but about returning to Ukraine. This is what brought me back to life, said Olena.

She filled out the grant application in one night, and after receiving a positive response, Olena and her family returned to Borodianka and resumed production.



The eRobota government project provides grants to Ukrainians for starting a business, developing entrepreneurship, and training. It is aimed at boosting entrepreneurship and stimulating the creation of jobs. The project includes six grant programs. In particular, Ukrainians will be able to receive micro-grants for creating their own businesses; grants for the development of a processing enterprise; state funding for planting a garden, etc.

More than 1000 entrepreneurs have already applied for grants to develop processing enterprises and establish gardens and greenhouses.

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