The system was located near occupied Debaltseve in the Donetsk region, North Forces Group reports.
On the evening of June 27, Russian troops launched two missile attacks on Kramatorsk.
One missile hit a pizzeria in the city center with two dead including two twin sisters, Yulia and Anya Aksenchenko. The girls were only 14 years old and had finished the 8th grade. They were the only children in the family.
Three Colombian citizens were wounded in the rocket attack on Kramatorsk on June 27, as well as Dutch citizens and foreign journalists.
Ukrainian writer and war crimes researcher Victoria Amelina was the last fallen victim of the Kramatorsk strike. She died in the hospital on July 1 after being critically injured in the attack.
Kramatorsk lies some 55 kilometers from the front lines and Bakhmut in the Donetsk region. It has been a way station for Ukrainian troops, making it a frequent target of Russian missiles.
President Volodymyr Zelensky called Russia's missile strike on Kramatorsk "a manifestation of terror."
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