“This is our problem, and it is up to us to decide how to kill this enemy” – AFU’s Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny

The Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine's armed forces, Valery Zaluzhny, said that Ukraine would use weapons of its own production to carry out strikes on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Zaluzhny said this in an interview with the Washington Post.

The publication emphasizes that Zaluzhny asks himself: "How to reduce losses? How can I reduce losses?"

Each morning the Commander-in-Chief begins by finding out how many soldiers have been killed or wounded while carrying out his orders the previous day.

Sometimes he comes across contacts on his mobile phone that are already dead. He refuses to remove them.

Zaluzhny says he is postponing grief for later so that mourning does not distract him from his important work.

Due to the lack of weapons, the lack of new Western aircraft, and the conditions of the Allies regarding longer-range missiles (these means cannot be used to strike on Russian territory), according to Zaluzhny, "the Armed Forces of Ukraine use Ukrainian-made weapons for frequent strikes across the border, which Kyiv would never officially recognize."

"To save my people, why should I ask someone for permission to do something in enemy territory? For some reason, I should think I cannot do anything there. Why? Because (Russian President Vladimir – ed.) Putin … will use nuclear weapons? Children who die don't care…

This is our problem, and it is up to us to decide how to kill this enemy. In war, you can and should kill on its territory. If our partners are afraid to use their weapons, we will kill with ours. But only as much as is necessary," noted the Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief.

For reference:

It should be noted that Ukraine received cluster munitions from the United States.

But the cluster munitions that Ukraine received from the United States of America will not be used in densely populated areas: they will be used only to break through the enemy's defenses for deoccupying the territories.


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