ECHR Commissioner, Marharyta Sokorenko, wrote about this on her Facebook.
"The European Court of Human Rights has directly turned on the turbo mode in cases involving Russia. This time – in the interstate case against us, which Russia filed in July 2021 (which then made more informational noise). We are waiting for the publication of the decision on 07/18/2023. All the details, considerations, and memories of the case after the publication of the decision. It will be interesting," she wrote.
For reference:
In the case of Russia v. Ukraine (no. 36958/21), the aggressor country is trying to attribute responsibility for the MH17 tragedy to Ukraine due to the non-closure of airspace.
Russia also claims the alleged existence of "administrative practices" in Ukraine regarding murders, abductions, forced resettlement, interference with the right to vote, restrictions on using the Russian language, attacks on Russian embassies and consulates, and cutting off water to Crimea.
The European Court of Human Rights recognized the international case "Ukraine and the Netherlands against Russia" as admissible for consideration.
Thus, the ECHR proceeds to consider the merits of the case, which concerns massive and systematic violations of human rights in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions; kidnapping and attempts to illegally remove orphaned children from Donetsk and Luhansk regions to the territory of the Russian Federation in 2014; downing of flight MH17.
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