The Ministry of Economy reports that Ukraine faced a labor shortage even before Russia's full-scale invasion. However, now more than 6 million Ukrainians have been forced to flee abroad, and the labor force situation in the country has become even more critical.
"Recovery of the labor market is not a consequence of victory. It is a path to victory," the economy ministry stated. "Since the country is approaching the post-war era of reconstruction of society, the need for labor force will only increase to meet the requirements of economic recovery."
Ukraine is conducting consultations on this matter with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the International Labor Organization (ILO).
"The IOM and the ILO plan to continue to support the Ministry of Economy in paving the way to the restoration of the labor market to achieve key priorities," the Ministry of Economy said.
"Ahead of us is close cooperation in helping the state on its way to recovery and shaping a more promising future for Ukraine and its people. Economic recovery is of primary importance for this process," said the Chief of Mission for IOM Ukraine, Anh Nguyen.
As it follows from the statement, the labor market in Ukraine will need updating based on new economic realities.
"It's time to lay the foundations for a renewed labor market that will find the best use of people's knowledge, skills, and abilities and offer them new economic opportunities, decent work, and social protection. We confirm our readiness to support Ukraine's efforts in this direction," said ILO National Coordinator Serhii Savchuk.
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