United to win: Bulgaria joins EU ammunition program for Ukraine

The Bulgarian government has decided to join the Collaborative Procurement of Ammunition for Ukraine within the framework of the European Defense Agency (EDA) project, in which 24 EU member states and Norway already participate.

The Sofia Globe reports that the Bulgarian government has decided that the country will become a full member of the European Defense Agency (EDA) project, which will create a new good opportunity for the supply of ammunition and the provision of services on favorable terms in addition to national agreements and initiatives within the framework of NATO.

The project paves the way for EU member states and Norway to move along two paths: a two-year accelerated procedure for 155mm artillery shells and a seven-year project to acquire different types of ammunition.

In full respect for the sovereign decisions of national governments and without prejudice to any EU member state's security and defense policy, the project can replenish member states' national stocks and aid Ukraine.


The Collaborative Procurement of Ammunition project was set up by EDA "to answer the call to procure ammunition collectively and more quickly by aggregating, coordinating, and agreeing on contracts with the European defense industry."

EU member states have agreed to a plan that involves providing Ukraine with one million artillery shells within the next 12 months. This plan, based on a proposal by the EU, includes spending €1 billion on shells from stockpiles and an additional €1 billion through joint procurement. Member states will be reimbursed at a set rate of 50-60% for delivering ammunition to Kyiv. The aim of the plan is to expedite delivery and joint procurement efforts to meet Ukraine's artillery ammunition needs.

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