11,000 tons of fish lost in Kakhovka HPP destruction worth ₴10 bln

As a result of Russian troops undermining the Kakhovka Dam and the disappearance of the Kakhovka Reservoir, all the fish – 11.4 thousand tons – died.

The Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, Mykola Solsky, said this in an interview with Forbes.

As the minister noted, after the destruction of the reservoir, the fish, which were carried away with the flow of water downstream of the Dnipro River within the borders of the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions, ended up on the flood plains of the dry land.

"When the water flowed out, the land area was 150,000 hectares. And while it was going down, it took the fish with it and destroyed all 85 fish farms, which traditionally caught aquatic biological resources and which were located downstream: 49 in the Kakhovka Reservoir and 36 in the Dnipro-Buzka estuary system," added Solsky.

The total amount of damages from direct loss and the loss of fish offspring amounts to UAH 9.8 billion.

The head of the department emphasized that the reconstruction of the dam will take at least seven years:

  • several years for the actual reconstruction of the HPP,
  •  2-3 years to fill the dam with water.

After that, it will still take time to repair and restore the canals and irrigation systems that were built in the 1970s and 1990s.

For reference:

As Rubryka reported, on the night of June 6, Russian invaders blew up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station, located a few kilometers from the temporarily occupied city of Nova Kakhovka, Kherson region.

As a result of the dam's destruction, the water in the Kakhovka reservoir began to fall rapidly, threatening to flood.

Residents continue to save themselves from the high water in Kherson and take out their stores, and residents of coastal communities leave their already flooded houses.

As we reported, the Russian occupying forces blew up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant, and the HPP cannot be restored.

As of this morning, 600 square kilometers of the Kherson region are underwater. Evacuation of people from the disaster zone continues.

Thus, 1,999 people have already been evacuated from dangerous areas. Most people evacuated from the Korabel micro district (Kherson city).

There is also flooding in Mykolaiv and the region, namely the Snihurivka community (11 settlements).

Meanwhile, in the Dnipropetrovsk region, namely in the Nikopol district, two water channels stopped due to a critical drop in the water level in the Kakhovka reservoir.

The Ministry of Environment predicts that water will continue to flow after the Russians blew up the Kakhovka HPP, and its level is expected to drop after the 20th of June.

Read also – Destruction of Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant: what will be the consequences and what to do now



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