Zelensky convenes meeting to discuss NATO summit results

On July 13, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, held a meeting where the results of the North Atlantic Alliance summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, were discussed.

The head of state reported that on Telegram.

As the Ukrainian leader noted, the meeting was attended by diplomats, representatives of the government and the president's office.

Zelensky also indicated that Kyiv is working on translating each agreement based on the results of the Alliance summit in Vilnius into "our concrete steps so that all agreements become concrete results."

Among other things, Ukraine:

  • works on meaningful content of the Ukraine-NATO Council,
  • prepares the conclusion of bilateral agreements on "security guarantees,"
  • is preparing for the next NATO summit in Washington.

"A good summit should yield good results…

NATO can no longer be imagined without Ukraine, and we will constantly add strength to our cooperation," the head of state emphasized.

What is known about Ukraine's accession to NATO, which was announced during the summit

A summit of NATO countries took place in Vilnius on July 11 and 12, one of the main topics of which was Ukraine.

In the final communique of the summit, published on the Alliance's website, the heads of state and governments of the North Atlantic Alliance recognized Ukraine's progress on the path of Euro-Atlantic integration. They confirmed that Ukraine's future lies with NATO.

In addition, NATO heads of state and governments agreed to drop the requirement for a Membership Action Plan for Ukraine. They said they would invite Ukraine to join the Alliance after "fulfilling the conditions."

In addition, the leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) countries agreed on the "Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine" on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Vilnius.

The summit was also attended by President Volodymyr Zelensky, who held several meetings with the leaders of the Alliance. At the summit, Zelensky met with Stoltenberg.

The head of Ukraine also informed the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, on the situation on the Ukrainian-Russian front.

In addition, Zelensky held talks with the leaders of Canada, Germany, and Great Britain.

According to the results, the President said that during the two days of the NATO summit in Vilnius, it was possible to remove any doubts and ambiguities about whether Ukraine will join NATO.

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