Photos 17:08 13 Jul 2023

Ukraine strengthens northern border with minefields and trenches – AFU

Photo: Command of the United Forces of Ukraine's armed forces/ Facebook

On the northern Ukrainian state border, in just ten days, the military units of the engineering troops equipped 30 anti-tank minefields with almost 6,000 mines.

The commander of the United Forces of Ukraine's armed forces, Serhiy Nayev, reported that on Facebook.

"We understand that we will not need the state border line with our northern neighbors in civilian form for a long time since we have no friends on the other side of the border. Therefore, the task is to make the border strip impassable for the enemy," the commander emphasized.

Міни, ЗСУ кордон

Photo: Facebook / Command of the United Forces of Ukraine's armed forces

In particular, as Nayev noted, over the last decade of the month, the military-installed 30 anti-tank minefields and barriers using more than 5,800 mines on the border.

Міни, ЗСУ кордон

Photo: Facebook / Command of the United Forces of Ukraine's armed forces

In addition, the following are equipped along the border:

  • about 5 thousand meters of trenches,
  • 6.5 thousand meters of anti-tank ditches.

Міни, ЗСУ кордон

Photo: Facebook / Command of the United Forces of Ukraine's armed forces

In addition, the military built 80 covered gaps, shelters, and firing positions for personnel, as well as firing positions for heavy equipment.

Міни, ЗСУ кордон

Photo: Facebook / Command of the United Forces of Ukraine's armed forces

Nayev explained that in this way, Ukraine prevents the penetration of enemy sabotage groups and the border crossing with armored vehicles.

For reference:

On June 30, at a meeting of the Staff, President Volodymyr Zelensky gave the task of strengthening the northern front.

As Rubryka wrote, in the northern operational zone, the Sumy direction remains the most dangerous, so the residents of the border areas need to leave for safer regions.

In addition, the commander of the United Forces of Ukraine's armed forces, Lieutenant General Serhii Nayev, said that in the north of the country, the construction of a system of engineering barriers on the border with Belarus and the Russian Federation continues.


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