Ukrainian combat control system Delta passes NATO testing, ready for integration

Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov reported that the Ukrainian Delta military system has passed NATO tests and is ready to integrate Western equipment, namely, F-16 fighters.

Rubryka reports, citing Mykhailo Fedorov's Telegram, that in June of this year, Poland hosted annual NATO exercises on the interoperability of national combat and information systems with NATO systems and protocols.

Ukrainian combat system Delta has been successfully tested with 15 systems from 10 countries, including three systems developed directly by NATO. All interoperability tests were successful, and Delta confirmed its unique capabilities.

They also tested four data exchange protocols for most modern weapons that Ukraine receives from Western partners. All these samples of the latest technology can be integrated with Delta and applied even more efficiently.

The primary protocol tested this year is Link 16. It makes receiving data in Delta from F-16 fighters possible, which is necessary for Ukraine.

"This is a powerful step. After all, thanks to Delta, soldiers can see the battlefield online with the location of enemy forces. It is the only platform in Ukraine that pulls data from aerial reconnaissance, satellites, drones, the latest equipment, fixed cameras, radars, chatbots, etc. All this data allow us to plan military operations and effectively destroy invaders qualitatively," Fedorov wrote.

He stressed that having a national military system capable of operating under modern standards is as important as having combat pilots capable of quickly mastering a new generation of fighters. These are real achievements that Ukraine should be frankly proud of and can boldly demonstrate to NATO partners.

Delta is a national military situational awareness system used by Ukraine's Security and Defense Forces. It's built according to NATO standards, making conducting a network-centric war possible.

The system integrates information on the location of the enemy's forces and means. It allows monitoring of the position of the enemy's troops in real-time and prompt accounting of detected objects for their further fire damage.

The system integrates information about the enemy on a digital map, and data is taken from various sources: satellite image providers, radars, sensors, GPS trackers, and radio interception. Users can see what is happening on land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace. The system can work on any device.

As Rubryka reported, Ukraine has officially joined the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Center of Excellence (CCDCOE). A Ukrainian flag was raised near the headquarters of the center.

Rubryka also reported that at the end of last year, the sector of digital technologies and startups became Ukraine's only export-oriented industry that continued to grow despite the economic downturn amid the war unleashed by the Russian Federation.

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