Ukraine pledges to not hit Russia with French SCALP missiles

France has finalized its decision on sending Ukraine long-range missiles, and in return, Kyiv promised not to use them to target Russia's territory, France 24 reports.

Citing the sources, the missiles will be used only within Ukraine's internationally recognized borders.

Paris does not consider the transfer an escalation, as Russia is launching its missiles with a much longer range.

According to Reuters, President Emmanuel Macron emphasized that the delivery would be in line with France's policy of helping Ukraine defend its territory. Paris has received assurances from Kyiv that the missiles will not be fired at Russian territory.

France has decided to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles to support the Ukrainian counteroffensive, the media cite Macron.

Macron announced the supply of long-range missiles to Ukrainian forces, stating, "It is important to send a signal of support for Ukraine, of NATO's unity." Several French news desks note the state will send around 50 SCALP missiles.

France pledged to increase military assistance to Ukraine, as new supplies are already being prepared.

The foreign minister assured that France's support for Ukraine will continue and grow.

France has repeatedly affirmed that it will support Ukraine as long as necessary to enable it to legally defend its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. No one should doubt our determination to fulfill this commitment, he emphasized.

The declared launch range of this cruise missile is more than 250 km in the export version and up to 560 km for the French and British militaries. The planned missiles are being transferred to Ukraine from the French Armed Forces' own stockpile.

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