They are needed to defend Ukraine's territory, says Steffen Hebestreit, spokesperson for the German government, citing Tagesschau.
Ukraine is using ammunition to protect its own population, we are talking about the government's actions to liberate its own territory, he said.
Hebestreit noted that the German government found the decision of transfer "a tough one for our American friends."
Russia has "used cluster munitions on a large scale" since its war against Ukraine began, he added.
The state's attitude is backed by Germany joining the Convention on Cluster Munitions in 2010. However, unlike the Federal Republic, the US and Ukraine are not parties to the Oslo Convention, which releases ties regarding weapon transfer.
Michael Roth, chairman of the Bundestag's foreign affairs committee, said on WDR radio, "Ukraine is in an exceptional situation and urgently needs ammunition." He hopes that the Ukrainian army will stop using cluster munitions, which are banned in many countries, as soon as possible.
Bundestag member from the opposition CDU conservative bloc Jürgen Gardt states Germany should not criticize the controversial supply of American allies. He reminded that Germany has failed to increase the production of "classical" ammunition and provide it to Ukraine.
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