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The course is free of charge.
What is the problem?
Ukraine has been enduring a full-scale war against Russia for over 500 days. Thousands of volunteers have joined the ranks of Ukrainian forces and undergone military training quickly.
However, the majority of civilians do not have at least basic training in combat.
What is the solution?
Kyiv authorities announced a training drill for all civilians, planning to broaden the initiative all over the Kyiv region.
How does it work?
Classes will be held in formed groups and will include marksmanship training, protection against weapons of mass destruction, and basics of mine safety.
These will be six-hour classes that will teach how to handle firearms and explosives, as well as how to act in case of radiation and chemical contamination.
The training will be conducted by employees of the Kyiv Municipal Security Department and volunteers on both weekdays and weekends.
The more people have at least initial, basic training on how to act in the face of military aggression, the more resilient and aware they will be, and the fewer casualties we will suffer. Prepared means protected, said Mykhailo Shcherbyna, deputy director of the Municipal Security Department at the Kyiv City State Administration.
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