Фото: ОПУ
Five commanders from Azovstal had been brought back to Ukraine on Saturday following negotiations with Türkiye.
I am deeply convinced that the army is a joint effort, and from this day onwards, we will continue the fight together with you. We will definitely have our say in battle, said commander Denys Prokopenko.
Ukrainian army has seized the initiative on the front line, and every day we advance, destroy the enemy, and liberate captured territories.
We will do everything possible and to speed up the liberation, so that the war reaches its conclusion.
Prokopenko said he is planning to return to the battlefield.
Of course. That's why we returned to Ukraine. This is our main goal.
Фото: ОПУ
We are back, and we will continue to do our work. We are military, we accepted an oath, Deputy Commander of the Azov Regiment Sviatoslav Palamar said.
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