The Russian occupiers hit the private sector, damaging a house and a shop, local authorities report.
The posted pictures show that all killed people were civilians. They were just doing their business: some were riding a bicycle, others were in a shop.
The police are currently working at the scene. Paramedics are providing the necessary medical assistance to the victims.
Russia is shelling the Donetsk region
Russian invaders have been constantly shelling the towns and villages near Donetsk since the beginning of the war in 2014. The frontline settlements of the region and those in the relative rear are under attack.
In late June, Russians shelled a school in Pokrovsk district, killing two people and injuring six civilians.
Russian troops launched two missile attacks on Kramatorsk on the evening of June 27.
One missile hit a pizzeria in the city center. Among the dead were a 17-year-old girl and two 14-year-old sisters. The second missile hit the village of Bilenke. Three Colombian citizens were injured in the rocket attack on Kramatorsk on June 27, as well as Dutch citizens and foreign journalists.
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