The commander of the Free Russia Legion with the call sign "Caesar" stated this in an interview with the Observer.
"There will be another surprise in the next month or so. This will be our third operation. After that, there will be a fourth and a fifth. We have ambitious plans. We want to liberate our entire territory," he said.
The publication notes that the Legion fighters are planning another raid across the border into Russia and are seeking to take advantage of the chaos inside the Kremlin after Yevgeny Prigozhin's mutiny.
"Caesar" described the recent operation of his fighters and the Russian Volunteer Corps near the city of Shebekino in the Russian Federation as a "local raid and reconnaissance operation."
According to the publication, the real name of "Caesar," a 49-year-old former fitness trainer from Sochi and St. Petersburg, is Maximilian Andronnikov.
He admitted that his militia can function only with the help of the Ukrainian military but said that once they are on Russian territory, they make their own independent decisions. He said the legion's armored vehicles were mainly taken from Russian warehouses captured in Ukraine.
The commander added that the Kremlin's reports about heavy losses among its fighters are ridiculous and exaggerated: "They change the corpses into Ukrainian uniforms and show them on TV. Ours look different. It was all a stupid lie."
"Caesar" believes that Prigozhin's rebellion weakened Putin. The mutiny also predicts that the Putin regime will fall by the end of 2024.
For reference:
On May 22, the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) and the Free Russia Legion, in which Russians fight for Ukraine, announced the "liberation" of several settlements in the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation from Putin's government.
On May 23, the Russian authorities announced the defeat of the fighters of the RDK and the Free Russia Legion, called "saboteurs" in Russia, and the completion of the "counter-terrorist" operation in the Belgorod region.
On May 31, a fighter of the Legion "Freedom of Russia" with the call sign "Caesar" said that Russian partisans have "thousands" of people willing to join their ranks and will continue raiding the border until their forces are large enough to storm Moscow.
Ukrainian intelligence confirmed that they cooperate with the "Russian Volunteer Corps", mainly exchanging information.
On June 4, the Russian Volunteer Corps announced it wanted a meeting with the governor of the Belgorod region and offered to exchange Russian prisoners for a conversation with him. They offered to meet in the church in Nova Tavolzhanka.
Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov stated that a battle was ongoing in Novaya Tavolzhanka, and he was allegedly ready to meet in Shebekino if the Russian prisoners were alive. After that, the RDK announced that Gladkov did not show up for the meeting, offered to him to pick up the Russian prisoners so that they would be transferred to Ukraine in an exchange fund.
On June 11, these prisoners were exchanged.
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