Solutions to win: Ukraine unveils updated summer uniform for women in the military

The Ministry of Defense presented a model of a summer field suit for servicewomen, Rubryka reports.

What is the problem?

Today, there are almost 42,000 military servicewomen in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Nearly five thousand are on the front line, where they perform combat tasks on an equal footing with men. 

"Our task is to provide them with proper conditions for military service. A comfortable military uniform is one of the important components because our women defenders wear it daily," commented Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Denys Sharapov.

What is the solution?

The Ministry of Defense held a meeting under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Denys Sharapov, on developing a summer field suit for servicewomen (KLP type 2) and women's underwear (underpants and a top). A model of a summer field suit for servicewomen was presented, which received the largest number of positive reviews after the military (experimental) tests conducted in one of the military units of the Armed Forces.

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

How does it work?

The ministry made structural changes to the current field uniform, adapting it to the female body structure and taking into account the anthropometric data of women, namely, the design of the shoulders, chest, waist, and hips, the comments and suggestions of Ukrainian servicewomen who directly tested out the uniform.

"The drawstring on the petticoat helps a woman to adjust the excess volume of fabric on the back, and the short petticoat and slits on the sides help ease bending and squatting. An elastic band under the knees makes it possible to reduce the width of the trouser leg. The high waistline in trousers with a tunnel belt can make changes to the waist size of a servicewoman, for example, during early pregnancy. All these changes were considered and incorporated into the new patterns of the summer field suit for servicewomen. As for the underwear: it is universal, with a high fit, it contains cotton and elastane, it stretches well and keeps its shape," said the servicewomen who took part in the testing.

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

In the future, after regulatory and technical documentation and standard samples are approved for the specified items, the ministry will purchase the uniforms.

Sharapov praised the work done by the responsible specialists of the defense department, manufacturers, and volunteer organizations, which brought such problems to the public.

Representatives of the Central Department of Development and Material Support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Courageous Ukraine public organization, the Forma Two public initiative, and domestic manufacturers, MIK, ALLEN BUSINESS, and Knitting Factory ROZA participated in the event.

As Rubryka reported, the Command of the Joint Forces noted that more than 11,000 women were drafted into the army voluntarily. In addition to men, about 5% of women applied for the Guard of Offensive.

The survey results showed that 85% of citizens in Ukraine have a positive attitude towards women serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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