Ukrainian city of Mykolaiv holds free theatrical performances for displaced children

The children's space at the Kazka Center in Ukraine's southern city of Mykolaiv organizes free theatrical performances for the local children and children from IDP families every week, Rubryka reports.

What is the problem?

Mykolaiv did not have working cultural facilities for a long time due to constant Russian shelling. Displaced children and children who started to return to their hometown cannot go to kindergarten and spend their time playing and dressing up for children's plays.

What is the solution?

To make up for lost pier communication and entertain children who need it the most, the Kazka Children's Center holds free theater performances weekly for the children of Mykolaiv and children from displaced families.

How does it work?

Actors of the Mykolaiv Academic Art Drama Theater and the Mykolaiv Academic Regional Puppet Theater volunteer to perform for children until the end of July.

For instance, this Sunday, the actors will give the performance "Once Upon a Time in Africa." The organizers invite everyone to join the viewing. Entry to the event is free with prior registration. The July program every week (on Sundays and Saturdays) prepares puppet theater performances based on Ukrainian fairy tales for young visitors.

The children's space was opened in cooperation with the Mykolaiv City Council and the NGO Resource Center of Public Initiatives with the financial support of the Children's Towns of Ukraine. Mykolaiv Development Agency is the information partner of the project in Mykolaiv.

Rubryka reported that from August 1st, Norway allows setting temporary kindergartens and children's centers to receive young Ukrainians.

Rubryka reported that 10-year-old Mark, whose mother is Ukrainian and he was born and raised in Switzerland, could not stand aside when a full-scale invasion began and started to fundraise for the Ukrainian army.

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