Ukrainian Red Cross installing ten air raid shelters in front-line Kherson region

The Red Cross Society of Ukraine, with the assistance of the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories, is setting up ten air raid shelters in the Kherson and Beryslav districts in Ukraine's southern Kherson region in the frontline settlements along the Dnipro River.

Rubryka reports, referring to the website of the Red Cross Society.

What is the problem?

After the liberation of Kherson from the Russian aggressors, the army of the Russian Federation strikes the city and the region almost every day from the opposite bank of the Dnipro River, which is still occupied. Because of this, the population of the Kherson region is forced to look for reliable shelter to save their lives.

"Currently, the situation in the Kherson region is difficult. The region is subjected to heavy artillery shelling daily, resulting in people, including children, dying," said Maksym Dotsenko, director general of the National Committee of the Red Cross Society of Ukraine.

What is the solution?

"We are doing everything we can to help people. This includes monetary payments and the issuance of food vouchers, as well as food and hygiene kits," he emphasized. However, at this time, there is a great need for shelters in public places.

"Shelters can save lives, and that's the most important thing," Dotsenko noted.

How does it work?

Ten shelters are being installed in the Kherson and Beryslav districts of the Kherson region in the settlements along the Dnipro.

Photo: Ukrainian Red Cross

Photo: Ukrainian Red Cross

Reinforced concrete structures will help protect people from shelling from various types of weapons, namely, MRLS and explosive waves.

Photo: Ukrainian Red Cross

The area of each shelter is 10 m², they can accommodate from 10 to 15 people at the same time.

Photo: Ukrainian Red Cross

"Citizens' safety is the top priority for the state today. I sincerely thank the Red Cross Society of Ukraine for constantly coming to the aid of people who suffer from Russian aggression and need humanitarian aid," said the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories, Iryna Vereshchuk. "We must use all possible means to minimize risks for citizens who remain in the region, including those who work on the life support of the territory, ensure the provision of public services and the restoration of critical infrastructure. Thanks to the powerful support of humanitarian organizations, we can take care of the safety of our people."

Photo: Ukrainian Red Cross

Rubryka reported that the largest shelter in the city was installed in Kherson, the length of the structure is 9 meters, and the thickness of the walls is 30 cm.

Rubryka also reported that ten shelters will be installed in Kherson with the support of the Red Cross of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian military and engineers developed a project of modular mobile shelters called "Shield."

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