БТР Guarani. Фото: IDV
Ukraine's allies planned to purchase these vehicles, which were to be used to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield and civilians from the warzone.
However, the request of the Ukrainian government, sent in April of this year, was turned down by the Department of Strategic Affairs, Defense and Armament of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry.
Ukraine was willing to purchase 450 Guarani armored personnel carriers.
The request also assured that the armored vehicles would not be involved in combat operations with the Russian occupiers. These APCs were to be painted in red and yellow colors.
Фото: Infodefensa
Brazilian authorities delayed their official response for almost two months.
At the end of June, the manufacturer of the Guarani APC, Iveco Defense Vehicles, received an official notice of refusal.
Brazil's indecision has shaken the confidence of European countries in its attitude toward the Russian-Ukrainian war, including that the Brazilian defense industry has lost a major order.
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Silva also reiterated his position in favor of Ukraine's territorial integrity.
These comments were made public after a meeting with Finnish President Sauli Niinistö in Brazil.
Silva said that he hoped for a "balanced" trade agreement between Mercosur (an economic union of states in South America) and the EU that could support Brazil's drive for reindustrialization and sustainable development.
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