Zelensky imposes new sanctions on individuals and companies supporting the war and Georgian airline flying to Russia

President Volodymyr Zelensky introduced new sanctions against more than 190 individuals and 290 companies connected to Russia and the war against Ukraine.

Rubryka writes about this, referring to the decree of the head of state.

As indicated in the document, 189 Russians, two Belarusians, and Gaiashvili Tamaz, the founder of Georgian Airways, were subject to sanctions.

In addition, another application identifies approximately 300 companies, mostly Russian, that are subject to the same sanctions.

Furthermore, sanctions have been imposed upon various Belarusian entities, including:

  • Rohachovsky factory "Diaproyektor",
  • "Zenit-BelOMO,"
  • "Optik Plant," joint Belarusian-German enterprise "Zeiss-BelOMO,"
  • "Research and production center of multifunctional unmanned complexes" of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
  • Aa well as upon Georgian Airways LLC.

For reference:

In May, the Russian Federation lifted its unilateral flight ban with Georgia. On May 20, Georgian Airways made the first direct flight to the Russian Federation in 4 years.

Before that, the company's sharp response to the protests of outraged citizens outside its office caused a stir in Georgia.

The ruling party and the government of Georgia favored the restoration of air traffic with Russia. At the same time, President Salome Zurabishvili called for a boycott of Georgian Airways.

For its part, the company declared her an undesirable person on its flights.

Ambassador of the European Union to Georgia Pavel Gerchinsky gave the Georgian Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the Ministry of Economy Levan Davitashvili, a demarche regarding the resumption of direct flights between Tbilisi and Moscow.


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