Solutions from Ukraine: government to fund English language courses for Ukrainians

With English being made a compulsory language in all schools, the government plans to fund English language courses by utilizing the YePidtrymka (ESupport) program.

The Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal, stated this at the government meeting.

What is the problem?

English is the language of diplomacy, business, science, and other vital fields. Today, 1.5 billion people already know English, and about 1 billion are starting to learn it. One hundred ninety-six countries of the world officially recognize it.

Ukraine's European integration aspirations determine, in particular, the recognition of European standards in language policy.

It should be noted that President Zelensky submitted a draft law on English as the language of international communication to the Verkhovna Rada [Ukraine's parliament – ed.].

What is the solution?

"The English language will become mandatory in the entire education system. The state will pay for English language courses through the YePidtrymka program. We will do everything to ensure that every Ukrainian has the opportunity to speak English," Shmyhal emphasized.

How does it work?

In turn, the Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, specified that English-speaking volunteers would be recruited to spread the English language in Ukraine.

"The state will pay for special courses. We will attract English-speaking volunteers to schools and hold conversation clubs. We will also launch a separate portal with free lessons and courses. We will do everything to ensure that every Ukrainian speaks English," said Fedorov.

In addition, according to the head of the ministry, the English language will become mandatory in the entire education system.

"From kindergartens to universities, from preschoolers to scientists. The state will support the professional development of educators and the desire to improve their knowledge of the English language," Fedorov emphasized.

For reference:

It should be noted that the Cabinet of Ministers [Ukraine's government – ed.] is preparing a draft law that will establish English in Ukraine as the language of international communication. Also, the government is working on solutions to make learning English more accessible to everyone who wants it.

As Rubryka wrote, from now on, you can learn about the history of the Russification of the Ukrainian language and culture in the Linguicide application, which Ukrainian developers created.

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