The German government reported on its website that the new package included 16 Zetros trucks, a TRML-4D radar station, a demining system, three bridges for the Beaver bridge-builder, and two cars for border guards.
Developed in 2018, the TRML-4D is a C-band mobile multi-purpose medium-range radar. German radar allows detecting, tracking, and classifying various air targets, including small-sized, high-speed, low-flying, and maneuvering cruise missiles.
The TRML-4D uses an electronically scanned active phased array antenna (APAR) based on gallium nitride (GaN) transceiver modules. AFAR provides the digital formation of a multi-beam pattern.
The station allows simultaneous detection and tracking of up to 1,500 different targets at ranges from 0.01 to 250 km. The maximum height of detection is 30 km. Fighter jets can be escorted at a distance of up to 150 km, and supersonic missiles at a distance of up to 60 km.
In addition, the radar is equipped with "home-foreign" recognition systems, detection and suppression of obstacles.
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