Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs made the relevant statement.
The International Group for the victims of Flight PS752 representing Canada, Sweden, Ukraine and the UK intend to pursue collective effort to ensure Iran is held accountable for the unlawful downing of the Flight by referring the dispute to the ICJ as soon as is practicable, the statement says.
Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 crashed near Tehran on January 8, 2020, on its way to Kyiv.
A few days after official refutes, Iran admitted that a unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had accidentally shot down the plane amid escalating tensions with the US over the assassination of senior General Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad by a US drone.
The decoding of the flight data recorders confirmed that the plane was in good condition and two anti-aircraft missiles caused the crash.
The first hit caused significant damage to the plane. The engines did not shut down, and the pilots tried to control the flight, but the other strike destroyed the aircraft.
Iran insists that the plane crash was caused by an air defense operator's mistake and not by order of the country's military leadership. Ukraine disagrees with this position and demands access to the investigation and monetary compensation.
Most of the victims were Iranians and Canadians, but 11 of them were Ukrainian citizens.
Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Sweden initiated arbitration proceedings over the downing of the passenger plane in late December 2022.
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