Solutions to win: Ukraine will produce HYDREMA 910 demining machines

In cooperation with the world leader, the Danish company Hydrema, Ukraine will produce modern demining machines.

The Ukrainian parliament Verkhovna Rada reports, citing the words of the Deputy Chair of the Committee on Economic Development, Dmytro Kysylevskyi, Rubryka reports.

What is the problem?

Because of Russia's full-scale invasion, Ukraine has become one of the most mined countries in the world: almost 180,000 square kilometers — about a third of the territory — are contaminated with explosive objects.

According to the State Emergency Service, the front-line Kyiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, Kherson, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions are the most mined regions. Clearing these areas will take at least ten years, and the needed equipment is costly.

What is the solution?

As reported, two memoranda were signed in London during the Ukraine Recovery Conference:

  • the Pozhmashyna company is preparing production at its facilities in cooperation with the Hydrema company,
  • the company A3TECH-UKRAINE agreed on the production of equipment using the technologies of the Croatian DOK-ING.

"Ukraine is still often offered to take a loan to purchase ready-made foreign equipment, and then it takes a long time to return it from unknown sources. We must learn to say 'no' to such offers and offer a different approach," the statement noted.

How does it work?

Kysylevskyi said that if Ukraine orders, the Danish government will provide funding, including grant funding, to meet the needs of Ukrainian services in such equipment.

"This is exactly the recovery that Ukraine needs. Foreign partners provide demining technologies, and Ukraine provides production facilities and people," the statement said. "Foreigners get new sales markets, and Ukrainians get jobs with decent salaries and benefits. Local producers are going through production training."

The statement explains that the localization of production is much more effective for Ukraine than purchasing the necessary equipment.

Ukrainian manufacturers have something to offer foreign partners: a large fleet of modern machines and equipment, skilled workers and engineers, and lower expenses than the EU.

Militarnyi reports that Ukraine will produce HYDREMA 910 machines.


The HYDREMA910 demining machine defuses anti-tank and anti-personnel mines containing up to 10 kg of explosives.

The demining system of the machine is equipped with a block with 72 chains and a deflector screen to protect against explosions and fragments.

Photo: Hydrema

The cockpit is armored to withstand debris, and joysticks control all primary functions.

Militarnyi reports that HYDREMA 910 has proven itself to the best of its ability in hot spots and has been in service with NATO for a long time.

As Rubryka reported, Switzerland has allocated a package of assistance to Ukraine to demine territories. For this, the country will hand over a special remotely controlled machine and conduct training for specialists.

As Rubryka reported, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) will send 250 mine detectors to Ukraine to help secure areas affected by flooding after the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station dam.

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