More than 80% of Ukrainians view Ukraine as successful country – survey

More than 80% of Ukrainians consider Ukraine to be a successful country: 42 percent of the responses were unequivocally affirmative, while 40 percent were rather affirmative.

Oleksiy Antypovych, director of the Rating sociological group, said this during the presentation of the study "Resilience during the war and in the post-war period: what Ukrainians rely on," Ukrinform reports.

"The absolute majority of Ukrainians consider Ukraine a successful state: 42% – unequivocally yes, 40% – rather yes. Together, this is 82%," Antypovych said.

At the same time, 16% say that Ukraine is not successful: 12% – rather not, 4% – not at all.

According to Ukrainians, the main features of a successful state are:

  • strong army (56%),
  • developed economy (35%),
  • the rule of law (34%),
  • unity of society (34%),
  • social protection of citizens (19%),
  • international authority (19%),
  • modern science and technology (16%),
  • political stability (16%),
  • equal society (15%),
  • strong democratic institutions (14%),
  • national idea (11%).

Also, according to the survey results, 77% of respondents believe that the priority directions of the state's development after the war should be the defense of the state: military industry, strengthening the borders, and reformation of the army.

70% called social protection of the population a priority: salary/pension growth, access to medicine, and material assistance to people experiencing poverty.

44% believed the key issues were innovations in the state: new technologies, energy saving, science, and education.

For reference:

The research was conducted by the sociological group "Rating" on the order of the National Platform for Stability and Cohesion during June 6-11 using the CATI method (telephone interviews) among the population of Ukraine over the age of 18 in the entire territory, except the temporarily occupied Crimea and Donbas.

One thousand two hundred respondents were interviewed.

It should be noted that during the survey, more than 80% of Ukrainians said that they consider themselves free people.

Also, 85% of citizens in Ukraine have a positive attitude towards women in Ukraine's armed forces.

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