
BGV presents investment projects for mining development at Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023 in London

The BGV Group Management team, headed by Hennadiy Butkevych, the Group's investor, attended the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023 in London from the 21st to the 22nd of June. BGV presented to the world community two of the largest projects of the investment group, including the Balakhiv graphite deposit in the Kirovohrad region and the Perzhan beryllium ore deposit in the Zhytomyr region.

The company stated this in its press release.

During his speech at the panel discussion, Serhii Voitsekhovskyi, a member of the Board of Directors of BGV Group Management, emphasized that investment in the extraction and further processing of raw materials is one of the company's main focuses. Consequently, the Group and Hennadiy Butkevych as its founder have invested more than 100 million dollars into Ukrainian mining projects over the last eight years, potentially making Ukraine a significant actor in certain areas of raw material production. At the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023, Serhiy Voitsekhovskyi presented plans and updates for the Group's largest projects, signifying considerable progress in the extractive industry despite the full-scale war in the country.

For the Balakhiv project, the BGV team is currently performing the 2nd stage of pilot tests of the beneficiation factory and is completing the design of the production complex and experimental and industrial testing of graphite. It is noted that the pilot tests performed by the specialized European research center ANZAPLAN confirmed the high quality of the products: the productivity of the spherical graphite samples of BGV enterprises for lithium-ion batteries is higher than the average market indicators and, according to certain characteristics, is close to the theoretical maximum. Next year, in 2024, the company is already planning to start constructing one of the largest production complexes in Europe, the potential capacity of which will be 50 thousand tons of high-quality graphite concentrate per year and 19 thousand tons of spherical graphite for lithium-ion batteries. This, the company's experts note, will cover a significant part of the needs of the EU market.

The Perzhan complex beryllium deposit, with estimated reserves of 2.34 million tons of ore, has also piqued the interest of the international investment community. The complexity of the deposit makes it possible to simultaneously extract zinc, rare earth elements, and other critical materials. The BGV team is currently working on a pre-feasibility study (PFS) and will soon be ready to present its results to investors formally.

For reference:

The Ukraine Recovery Conference is an international conference focused on the recovery of Ukraine after full-scale Russian aggression. The Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023 was held on June 21-22 in London and was focused on mobilizing international support for the economic and social stabilization of Ukraine, the further process of recovery from the consequences of the war, in particular through emergency aid for immediate needs, as well as financing the participation of the private sector in the recovery process.

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