Over 40,000 women serve on Ukraine’s front line – commander of the Joint Forces

The Joint Forces Command noted that over 11 thousand women were enlisted voluntarily.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, more than 11 thousand women have been drafted into the Armed Forces of Ukraine voluntarily. From the first day of the war, they stood in line alongside men at the territorial recruitment centers to join the defense of our homeland.

They chose the most dangerous specialties, joining the ranks of grenade launchers, machine gunners, riflemen and snipers, sometimes having the most unexpected desires, such as becoming tank gunners or part of the gun and mortar crew, says the Commander of the Joint Forces Serhii Nayev.

Teachers, lecturers and scientists, engineers, economists, lawyers, medical workers, housewives, and young mothers on maternity leave stood united. They realized they couldn't just watch and stay at home while Ukraine was calling the whole world for help.

Women left their homes and families, comfort and warmth, and returned from abroad, neglecting their measured lives. They did not consult with anyone and did not listen to anyone. Although they all realized the danger they were in, he added.

Currently, there are over 16,000 female servicewomen in the Ground Forces, over 7,000 in the Air Force, about 2,000 in the Navy, about 1,000 in the Air Assault Forces, and more than 3,000 in the Territorial Defense Forces. The rest remain in other components of the defense forces.

According to official data, as of the beginning of May 2023, 42,000 women serve in Ukrainian military formations, which is a significant percentage of the total number of military personnel.

They are not written about or filmed. Meanwhile, they are working in the army. They do their important work every day. They are engaged in ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in the army, says Deputy Minister of Defense Hanna Malyar.

At the same time, 107 women were killed or injured during their service against Russian forces.

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