The company has already raised $460,000, the brand reported on Instagram
What is the problem?
The transfer of F-16 fighters to Ukraine has been discussed on several occasions during the Contact Group on Ukraine's Defense meeting at Ramstein.
Back in the spring of 2022, Ukrainian pilots launched the Buy Me a Fighter Jet initiative, as the Ukrainian army is still in dire need of attack aircraft.
What is the solution?
The brand's founder, Yuriy Nazaruk, said that, together with military pilots, they had been choosing the jet to purchase for almost a year. Now they are ready to announce their final decision on the model of the aircraft, agreed on all the procedures, and completed the documentation.
He explained that this aircraft is not a combat one, but aerovodochody company has made a modification that turned the fighter jet into a light attack aircraft. Some countries used it for actual combat purposes.
"If we are so eager to fly the F-16, I don't know how we can give up the best flying simulator," Nazaruk added.
How does it work?
The plan is to purchase an L-39ZA/ART aircraft, a light attack aircraft equipped with Western-made weapon mounts and a 23-millimeter cannon.
All Ukrainian assault pilots can fly it, as its non-combat version is already used for training in the Ukrainian air force. This aircraft is equipped with Ukrainian engines, so there are specialists and technical capabilities to repair and maintain it.
This aircraft can be equipped with Western-made weapons that Ukraine's allies can provide. The fighter can be used as part of air defense and is effective in shooting down enemy UAVs (with a relatively cheaper hour of operation);
The navigation and fire control system is modernized and closer to the aircraft in service with NATO countries, which means that the L-39ZA/ART can be used as a training aircraft for the transition to F-16 class aircraft.
"We understand that this jet will not immediately change the pace of the war, but it will be the first step towards the transition to a Western type of aircraft," the brand emphasized.
The brand has additionally contacted the Air Force Command to finally confirm the purchase of this aircraft. Currently, Aviatsiya Halychyny is waiting for a response from the military.
This aircraft has endured a special upgrade, as it was prepared as a training aircraft for the F-16.
And that is why it is important to us, as it resembles first Western type of aircraft," the statement stresses.
One can join the campaign here:
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