Ukraine’s Ministry of Health to develop new aid program for domestic violence victims

In Ukraine, the Ministry of Health plans to develop a new medical assistance program for people affected by domestic violence.

The press service of the Cabinet of Ministers [Ukrainian government – ed.] quoted Maryna Slobodnichenko, Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine for European Integration, revealing this information.

What is the problem?

As the official said, the war increased the number of victims not only on the battlefield. It also led to an increase in domestic violence. In five months of 2023, the number of relevant appeals increased by 40% compared to the same period of the previous year.

Note that as of June 2023, the Prosecutor General's Office also recorded 208 cases of war-related sexual violence, and the Centers for Helping Survivors recorded more than 100. At the same time, the campaign organizers note that these figures do not reflect the actual number of victims.

What is the solution?

Slobodnichenko emphasized that such a situation leads to instability, increased tension, and mistrust in families.

"Therefore, we must not only review and strengthen the mechanism for providing medical assistance to victims of domestic violence but also jointly develop and implement a comprehensive program of support for Ukrainians and their families to help them cope with trauma and the consequences of war," she said.

How does it work?

At the same time, the Ministry of Health notes that they have already started forming a working group of specialists and doctors who will review the procedure for assisting victims of domestic violence.

The group agreed to include the following specialists:

  • Representatives of ministries,
  • Secretariat of the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada [Ukraine's parliament – ed.],
  • National Police,
  • Office of the Prosecutor General,
  • UN,
  • WHO.

For reference:

It should be noted that Ukraine ratified the Istanbul Convention last year. This international treaty prevents and combats violence against women and domestic violence.

The convention provides standards to help signatory countries develop and implement a roadmap to combat the above challenges.

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olha Stefanishyna, together with the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine (UNFPA), launched an information campaign to draw public attention to the problem and activities of Rescue Centers.

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