11:53 24 Jun 2023

Russian ballistic missiles hit Dnipro city overnight, injuring 11, including three children

Photo: illustrative

On June 24, Russian forces fired X-22 ballistic missiles at Dnipro, causing the number of victims to rise to 11, including three children.

The residential area was brutally hit, said the mayor Borys Filatov.

There was no military target. Several houses were destroyed to the ground. A huge crater after the explosion. There are victims. All services are working, Filatov reported.

Later, the head of the regional military administration Serhii Lysak clarified that eight people were among the injured, including two children. The boys are 9 and 16 years old.

Four people were hospitalized.

Later, during a briefing at the scene, the first deputy head Volodymyr Orlov said that the number of victims of the enemy's attack on Dnipro increased to 11 people, including three children.

Currently, 25 houses are damaged, four are completely destroyed. 11 people are in hospital, three of them are children. Two are being treated inpatiently, one is being treated on an outpatient basis. 7 people are currently in hospitals after the hit, he said.

Authorities don't know how many people will need to be provided with temporary housing. However, the situation is under control. All services are working, and a special commission has been set up.


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