The enemy state has improved the use of missile weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles.
Indeed, the production of these missiles you mentioned (Kalibr and X-101 – ed.) has increased. It is about 3-4 times. So, the Russians produce about forty or thirty missiles, depending on the type. They produce fewer "Kinzhals", up to six units. The level of production is now even slightly higher than it was before the war, he said.
According to Skibitsky, Russian forces have accumulated their reserves, resumed production of most items, and changed or even improved the tactics of using both missile weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles.
We saw the result of such measures in May. Especially if we take into account the figures for unmanned aerial vehicles. They have been used the most since October last year, said the representative.
Answering a question about the appearance of the Bal missile complex in the Bryansk region, Skibitsky said: "We will find out. In general, we understand the threat, but the effectiveness… Again, the Bal and Bastion systems were used from the Crimean peninsula and Kherson region to target ground targets. However, the effectiveness of such use was low because these systems are designed primarily to combat maritime targets. "Bal is an anti-ship system, and therefore it is not very effective against land targets."
According to Skibitsky, there is confirmed evidence that the Russians have been working very actively to modernize this system and get the ability to use it against land targets.
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