The European Pravda reports that Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democrat Richard Blumenthal introduced the bill.
They say they were prompted to introduce the resolution by Russia's announced placement of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus.
Senators note that this is the first precedent since the collapse of the USSR that Russia has moved its nuclear weapons beyond its borders, and it is a severe threat to global security amid the ongoing war in Ukraine.
It is also clear from the text that the second reason is the unpredictable situation at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, which is under the control of the occupying forces of the Russian Federation.
Graham and Blumenthal propose that any use of tactical nuclear weapons by the Russian Federation, Belarus "or their puppets," or the destruction of a nuclear facility, which will lead to the entry of radioactive elements into the territory of NATO member countries and cause severe damage, should be considered an attack on Alliance and the reason for the use of Article 5.
"The threat of Russia using nuclear weapons is real. The best way to contain that threat is to make clear to Putin's Russia what will happen if they use nuclear weapons. Our message is directed at Putin's entourage. If you do that and follow these orders, if they are given, you can expect a serious response from NATO. You will be at war with NATO," Graham said.
"The purpose of this resolution is to send a signal to Vladimir Putin and his military that they will be destroyed if they use tactical nuclear weapons or if they destroy the nuclear power plant in such a way that it poses a threat to the nearest NATO members… (Putin's) troops are at risk of being completely destroyed by NATO forces if they prove to be so irresponsible and irrational as to use tactical nuclear weapons," Senator Blumenthal said.
The senators suggest that the Biden administration conduct appropriate consultations with the leaders of other allied countries and European partners, consider actions to minimize the threat to the civilian population, and prepare a diplomatic and military response "commensurate with the situation."
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