Türkiye greenlights Baykartar drone production in Ukraine

Turkish drone manufacturer Baykar received license permits from Turkey to establish the production of two types of drones in Ukraine — Bayraktar TB2 and Akıncı.

CEO Haluk Bayraktar said this in an interview with the Turkish publication Akit.

"We have received relevant license permits from Turkey for the full production of Bayraktar TB2 and Akinci unmanned aerial vehicles in Ukraine," he said.

According to the publication, the plant in Ukraine is expected to open in 2025. The amount of planned investments is $95.5 million.

Haluk Bayraktar added that most of the preparation is already being done. The plant is expected to be electrified in July.

The governments of Ukraine and Turkey, signing a framework agreement on cooperation in the aerospace industry in February 2022, facilitated the project.

The purpose of this agreement is to encourage direct investment. It provides special tax and customs benefits for Turkish investors in Ukraine's aerospace sector until January 2035.


Last year in July, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal announced the preparation of an agreement with Turkey, which will allow the construction of the Bayraktar drone factory on the territory of Ukraine.

Baykar announced its registration in Ukraine and purchased a plot to construct a future plant. In October 2022, Baykar noted that it would complete the plant's construction in Ukraine within two years. Later it became known that the Turkish company would build not just a factory in Ukraine but a research center. The concept of the Ukrainian Bayraktar drone production plant was also presented.

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