What is the problem?
Russia's full-scale war, which started in February 2022, has inflicted severe damage on Ukraine's infrastructure, economy, and the lives of its people. The ongoing war has created a pressing need for innovative solutions to address the challenges faced by the country.
What is the solution?
The Ministry of Digital Transformation signed a memorandum with the top global company Cisco. The collaboration between Ukraine's Ministry of Digital Transformation and tech giant Cisco aims to leverage digitization and educational projects. This partnership will facilitate the development of digital platforms, provide access to IT content, enhance job opportunities, and connect schools to the Internet, contributing to Ukraine's recovery and rebuilding efforts.
"The memorandum with Cisco is an investment in the future and a powerful signal for large global companies to strengthen cooperation with Ukraine," Fedorov emphasized.
How does it work?
From now on, Ukraine joins the global Cisco Country Digital Acceleration program, which operates in 48 countries. Its goal is to help create new jobs, increase GDP, and leverage more innovation in the public and private sectors.
Also, the Ministry of Digitization and Cisco will jointly work on the innovation strategy of Ukraine. In particular, the Diia.Osvita platforms and digital educational projects will be developed.
Cisco will share the following:
As part of the Digital Schools project, Cisco will provide 1,600 devices with Wi-Fi access points to connect schools to the Internet and 1000 webcams.
Digital transformation deputies will be able to visit Cisco offices in different countries to improve their skills in the field of technology and learn about global digitalization trends.
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