The club will provide assistance, support, and interesting leisure activities, the press service reports.
What is the problem?
After the liberation of the Kyiv region, including Bucha, news feeds and social media became full of photos of the atrocities committed by the Russian occupiers. For example, on Facebook alone, 29,000 users have posted pictures with the hashtag #Bucha.
Most of them are illustrated with hostilities. Users describe their shock, anger, and pain from witnessing horrors of war.
WHO experts believe that people who have seen difficult circumstances or have been affected by events in the news or on social media should seek support from peers, members of religious communities, and psychologists. The proper support and therapy can help get over the trauma and cope with emotions.
What is the solution?
For such purpose, a special support center for women all over Ukraine was opened in the war-torn Bucha.
How does it work?
The center will hold various women's classes and seminars, tea parties, a movie club, yoga classes, workshops, and art therapy for adults and children.
Women will also be able to get personal consultations from a psychologist and a lawyer.
The center has a separate children's room equipped with everything necessary. So that while the kids are playing, mothers can fully participate in all the activities, the city council emphasized.
The club is reportedly located in the basement at Bohdan Khmelnytsky street 19. In case of a blackout, the premises will launch their own generator. The space will be open on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00.
Rubryka previously reported Ukraine also has an online platform called Aurora. It is a safe, free, and anonymous service for victims of war-related violence, including sexual one.
The main task of the platform is to provide specialized professional psychotherapeutic support to victims. For this purpose, it employs professionals with experience in working with trauma, using, in particular, EMDR therapy, which is a highly effective tool for dealing with traumatic cases.
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