19:56 21 Jun 2023

Ukrainian forces carry out 1,119 firing missions, retake positions on south-eastern front – commander of Tavriia Force Group

Фото: facebook com PresscentrTavria

Russian troops lost nearly three companies killed and wounded over the last day, and 68 pieces of military equipment were destroyed or damaged.

Commander of the Tavriia Operational and Strategic Group of Forces Oleksandr Tarnavskyi made this statement. 

Our army has been systematically driving the enemy out of their positions on the Tavriia front and advancing, he said. 

The progress of the Ukrainian forces is noticeable. Units of Rocket Forces and Artillery carried out 1,119 firing missions over the past 24 hours.

The enemy's losses have amounted to almost three companies with military personnel either killed or wounded over the past 24 hours, Tarnavskyi added. 

Sixty-eight pieces of enemy military equipment were either destroyed or damaged.

Tarnavskyi listed Russian losses over the course of 24 hours: six tanks, 13 infantry fighting vehicles, two armored combat vehicles, an MTLB multi-purpose fully amphibious auxiliary armored tracked vehicle, three Supercam UAVs, an Orlan-10 UAV, five 2S19 Msta-S howitzers, four 2A65 Msta-B howitzers, two Strela anti-aircraft missile systems, five 2S5 Giatsint self-propelled artillery systems, two 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled artillery systems, a 2S7 Pion self-propelled artillery system, BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher, and a Zoopark counter-battery radar system.

Three Russian ammunition storage points were also destroyed.

So far, Ukrainian forces have eliminated 222,000 Russian invaders as of June 21, 540 only over the past day.

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