Ukraine establishes trade platform to boost ties with Africa and support humanitarian aid efforts

The  Ukrainian government, Cabinet of Ministers, approved the decision to create the limited liability company "Ukrainian-African Trade Mission."

The permanent representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Ukrainian parliament, Verkhovna Rada, Taras Melnychuk, announced this, Rubryka reports.

What is the problem?

As Rubryka reported, on June 16, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky held a meeting with the leaders of African countries who came to Ukraine with a "peace mission."

During the meeting, the President of South Africa stressed that due to the war started by Russia, the African continent would experience negative consequences in the field of economy. After all, Ukraine supplies grain to the African continent. The prices of energy carriers, fertilizers, and food products have significantly increased there.

In turn, Ukraine needs to establish diplomatic relations with Africa because they will open up new opportunities for the country.

What is the solution?

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved creating the limited liability company "Ukrainian-African Trade Mission."

How does it work?

According to the MP, the state will fully own the company. Its authorized capital is 1,000 hryvnias. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy exercises the power to manage state corporate rights.

The Ukrainian-African trade mission will operate permanently. Its purpose is to ensure Ukraine's foreign economic interests in African countries and maintain humanitarian aid for African people through advisory services.

The authorities have identified ten African states where new embassies of Ukraine will be opened in 2023. Rubryka also reported that Zelensky appointed ambassadors to Nigeria and Argentina.

During the first-ever visit to Rwanda, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, held talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Vincent Biruta, in the capital Kigali and announced the opening of an embassy in the country.

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