Ministry of Defense dismisses Russia’s claims of “dirty bomb” creation in Ukraine

The Ministry of Defense declared Russia's repeated accusations of Ukraine creating a "dirty bomb" to be completely baseless.

The Ministry of Defense reports this on Telegram.

"The accusations of the Russian Federation against others regarding violations of international humanitarian law, the creation of "dirty bombs," the use of prohibited methods and means of warfare are worthless," the Ministry of Defense said.

The ministry noted that similar statements were made by the Russian authorities last fall when the invaders were defeated on the front near Kherson.

"The goal is quite clear: the Russian authorities want to divert attention from the obvious defeats of the occupying forces at the front and create mistrust of Western allies in Ukraine," the Ministry of Defense emphasized.

The ministry reminded that it was Russia that invaded the territory of Ukraine for no reason and without provocation. In 2022, Russia seized the Chornobyl and Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plants, placed weapons and ammunition there, and conducted shelling. The Russians still use the captured Zaporizhzhya NPP as a factor of blackmail. The Russians' undermining of the Kakhovka HPP led to an ecological and humanitarian disaster.

" Russia is responsible for shelling populated areas of Ukraine, mass killings of the civilian population, torture, and execution of prisoners of war. If Russia talks about the danger of war from someone, it means Russia does that itself. If Russia talks about a "dirty bomb," then this can be a real threat of its use by the Russians," the Ministry of Defense emphasized.

The ministry assesses all scenarios and associated risks and, together with other departments and military administrations, takes measures to counter the Russian threat.

For reference:

The head of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergey Naryshkin, said that Ukraine may have returned to creating a "dirty bomb".

According to him, the special service "has received information indicating the possible continuation of work by Kyiv on creating a "dirty nuclear bomb".

It should be noted that the European Union pledges to train 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers by the end of the year.

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