Ukrainian developers present mobile app “Linguicide” to educate on history of Russification

Ukrainian developers created a mobile app dedicated to the history of destroying the Ukrainian language throughout the state's existence by Russia.

The app "Lingvotsyd" is free and available. One can find more info on their website,

What is the problem?

Pro-Russian citizens explain the fact of Russian language dominating in most regions of Ukraine by saying, "this is how it happened historically." However, for some reason, they forget that it happened primarily due to the long-term policy of Russification of Ukrainian lands, which was carried out by government structures. Meaning Ukrainian literature, language, and art were banned.

Back in 1622, Russian Tsar Mikhail Romanov issued an order at the request of Moscow Patriarch Filaret to burn all copies of Stavrovetsky's "Teacher's Gospel" religious book printed in Ukraine. Since that time, Russia has purposefully destroyed everything related to Ukrainian culture.

The events of the 1930s (the Holodomor, oppression of Ukrainian cultural groups, the end of Ukrainization, the change of spelling, etc.) became a heavy blow to the culture of Ukraine and, ultimately, to the state language, opening wide opportunities for Russification.

What is the solution?

According to the developers, "Lingvotsyd" is an interactive memorial of Russification in Ukraine. The app describes the history of language and culture destruction.

The memorial is designed to show people the extent of cultural colonization policy, unobtrusively weaving a historical narrative into everyday life. Visitors to the memorial must come to the conclusion themselves, why it is so 'historically arranged' that there is a large Russian-speaking population in Ukraine, say the developers.

How does it work?

Users can collect locations, read the descriptions of each of the prohibitions, and find excursion routes with audio guides in the app.

"Lingvotsyd" consists of a series of graphic boards placed next to each other in the center of Kyiv and a mobile application that connects them together.


The signs are located near tourist places and illustrate the oppression of the Ukrainian language associated with them, such as bans on Ukrainian schools, books, religious services, etc.

This will help to look at Russification as a conscious and consistent policy over the centuries. And just as consciously and consistently to get rid of it,  the developers emphasize.

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