The campaign is a part of the United24 fundraiser, Ukrinform media reports.
What is the problem?
During the Russian aggression, 24,321 private and multi-story buildings in 46 communities were destroyed in the region.
What is the solution?
The reconstruction of a multi-story residential building on Kyivska Street was unveiled in Irpin. The building is one of 18 being restored with funds raised by the UNITED24 platform.
How does it work?
We have the seventh building being done out of 18. This building will be restored by the end of the year. The tasks of the President and the government will be fulfilled. We are seeing our first results and are ready to move on, said the head of the military administration Ruslan Kravchenko.
In this building, out of 131 apartments, 46 are subject to restoration.
Here the reconstruction workers will carry out the masonry of individual sections of walls from facing bricks, perform internal and external decoration, rearrange a roof, replace destroyed windows and doors, and restore internal engineering networks.
"I hope that the pace we currently have will allow us to understand that before the onset of cold weather, people will have a roof over their heads," emphasized Nataliya Kozlovska, Deputy Minister of Community Development.
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