The Lviv Regional State Administration announced that on Facebook.
What is the problem?
Ukraine's armed forces require transport vehicles to assist in fulfilling combat objectives, such as the evacuation of wounded and civilian personnel and the transportation of necessary equipment.
What is the solution?
It is noted that the aid was delivered as part of Mark Laird's "Pickups for Peace" initiative, a campaign that the British farmer has instigated.
How does it work?
Off-road vehicles were handed over to the fighters of the 80th separate amphibious assault brigades, 103rd and 125th ground-defense brigades, 62nd separate ground-defense battalions, and 47th "Mahura" separate mechanized brigades.
The transport is equipped with important cargo, which will come in handy on the front line. Part of the pickups was deposited at the Lviv Regional Territorial Center for Equipment and Social Support.
It is known that Mark Laird has been helping the Ukrainian military since 2014. In particular, from February 2022, together with a team of volunteers, he handed over thermal imaging devices, body armor, warm NATO-style clothing, and generators for the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after King Danylo.
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